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Pathways In Technology Early College HS (P-TECH)

What is P-TECH?

The Made to Teach P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools) welcomes incoming 9th grade students to North Mesquite High School who aspire to earn an Associate of Arts in Teaching (EC-6) degree through Dallas College - Eastfield while still in high school.

Program Overview

As an open-enrollment program, the Made to Teach P-TECH has no specific grade or testing requirements for admission. Each year, up to 25 students will be selected. The ideal P-TECH student exemplifies:

  • Motivation: Students need to demonstrate a desire to be part of the program.
  • Commitment: Students need to commit to a four-year program.
  • Preparedness: Students need to be willing to learn college readiness skills and use them daily.
  • Application: Students need to complete the Made to Teach application and have their parent or guardian sign it.

Application Information

Students interested in applying for the Made to Teach P-TECH need to complete the online application form.

The application will be open from Dec. 1 - Jan. 31. Students will be selected and notified in February.

P-TECH Contacts

P-TECH Principal: Maresa Bailey

P-TECH Academic Dean: Jorge Escobar

CTE Counselor: Brandi Brice
